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A Moment of Vulnerability and Empowerment- Day 3

love yourself

Mirror Work -A Moment of Vulnerability and Empowerment

A Moment of Vulnerability and Empowerment

How it feels: At first, looking into the mirror and saying something kind to myself felt vulnerable and even a little uncomfortable. I’m not used to giving myself that kind of direct affirmation. But as I kept speaking, I could feel a sense of empowerment growing, like I was reconnecting with a part of me that’s been overlooked. It was a reminder that I deserve kindness, especially from myself.

What I said: "You are enough just as you are, and you’re doing the best you can." This helped me release some of the pressure I put on myself and embrace my imperfections as part of my strength.

A Surprising Surge of Confidence

How it feels: It felt surprisingly uplifting to look at myself and speak kind words directly. Initially, it was awkward, but as I made eye contact with myself, I began to feel a surge of confidence. It was like my reflection and I were aligning, reminding me that the most important validation comes from within.

What I said: "You are worthy of love, success, and happiness." These words reinforced the belief that I don’t need external approval to feel valuable or capable of achieving my goals, bringing a sense of calm and confidence.


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